Metaphysics of the Arrest and Trial of Jesus Christ

The trial of Jesus is the most documented  ever made. According to our beliefs  it remains as an intriguing historical episode or the major event which shaped world history.  In metaphysical terms it is a perfect demonstration of the Law of Cycles and the way in which energy manifests in accordance with Free Will.   Celestial coordinates which include both astronomical and astrological factors indicate possibilities, an opportunity for spiritual evolution. These are neccesarily influenced by individual and collective behaviour and beliefs, we are free to make choices.

According to the historical record Jesus attracted large crowds wherever he went. The Sanhedrin, the Jewish political religious hierarchy of the day,  jealously guarded its power and perceiving him as a threat to their own authority, conspired to kill him. Caiaphas the High Priest negotiated with Judas Iscariot the disciple of Jesus who betrayed him.

  • The arrest of Jesus occurred around 12 midnight in the garden of Gethsemane. This corresponds astrologically to the line of Capricorn relating to right use of power, in the negative aspect it manifests as power abuse.

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QUANTUM HOLOGRAM – Explaining the Resurrection

The Shroud of Turin, traditionally believed to be the linen cloth which wrapped the body of Jesus in the tomb, is the most investigated artefact in human history, examination of the shroud using the latest technology continues.  Photogrammetric restitution has revealed previously unknown phenomena which opens up new horizons for science. The geometrical data was obtained by enlarging very small sections of photographic negatives using high resolution scanning. Restitution geometry determines shape, size and position of an object in space. The shroud images showed flawless contours produced by radiation ‘while the body adopted different positions indicating it was moving.

The phenomenon of the Shroud is similar to stroboscopic photography which captures a rapid series of images of a moving object on a single frame, using a flash that emits multiple quick bursts of light. Multiple images superimposed on the Shroud during the short bursts of energy transmission create a blurring effect, due to movement of the body.

The marks on the shroud correlate with  the traditional account of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Crucifixion cuts the radial nerve (the major nerve running through the arm to the wrist and the palm) causing the thumb to flex inwards to the palm. A series of Restitution images show movement of the thumb from the palm to between the fingers. Continue reading

MIRACLES – ‘Do this in memory of me’

The definition of a miracle is ‘an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency‘.  Religion is a mystery yet science continues to establish evidence of miraculous events.  In a cynical world where religious ritual is widely dismissed and a belief in divinity is viewed incredulously, how then can we explain the laboratory experiments which leave scientists bewildered by their own results? While respect for all religious traditions is paramount, the Catholic belief in ‘Transubstantiation’ is perhaps one of the most difficult to accept, with many even among the faithful interpreting this sacrament as symbolic rather than literal.  Holy Communion is the foundation of the Christian church, a sacrament honouring the request of Jesus Christ  to his disciples at the meal he shared with them prior to his death which became known as ‘The Last Supper’. The gospels refer to this event: ‘And he took bread, and gave thanks, and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.’  Luke 22:19……..  ‘I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.’ John:6:50. ……“This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you”; “drink ye all of it”; “this do ye…in remembrance of me”; “and they all drank of it” (Luke 22:20, Matt. Continue reading

FORENSIC SCIENCE AND FAITH Shroud of Turin and Sudarium of Oviedo – A Forensic Match


The  human blood on the Shroud of Turin traditionally believed to be the cloth which wrapped the body of Jesus in the tomb has repeatedly been confirmed by DNA testing as blood group AB. Even more surprisingly, blood on the ‘Sudarium’ the cloth  which is believed by many to have covered the face of Jesus,  has also tested AB.

Jewish funerary tradition demands that if the face of a dead person was in any way disfigured, it should be covered with a cloth out of respect for the deceased. According to the biblical account Jesus was afforded a Jewish burial,  highly unusual as crucifixion victims were normally left on the cross for days with the body later deposited in lime pits. The biblical account of the disciples entering the empty tomb describes the shroud and the cloth lying separately.  ‘Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie,and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself”. (John 20:7)  

Skeptics understandably dismiss such biblical accounts, however, when Nasa scientists placed the image of the Sudarium and the shroud over each other they  matched  perfectly.  New research establishes some 20 points of correlation between the Sudarium and the Shroud of Turin.  The standard of proof used by most judicial systems around the world to confirm correlation between items requires only a match of 8 to 10.

The history of the Sudarium cloth is well documented, it was originally brought from Jerusalem and has resided in the Cathedral of Oviedo  in Spain since the eighth century.

  • The markings show distinct matching facial geometry; the length of the nose through which the pleural oedema fluid came onto the sudarium has been calculated at eight centimetres, just over three inches, exactly the same length as the nose on the image of the shroud; there is also an exact correlation with the beard.
  • Two bloodstains caused by the ‘crown of thorns’ on the forehead of the man in the shroud  show a correspondence with the bloodstains of the Sudarium, the thorn wounds on the nape of the neck also coincide perfectly.
  • Botanical researchers Professor Danin and Uri Baruch confirm that of 141 pollens and spores found on the Sudarium which was brought to Spain, 99% are from the Mediterranean region including Jerusalem but not from Spain.
  • The research group of the  University of Murcia which is studying samples of the Shroud of Oviedo, has discovered a grain of pollen from one plant that, according to the pollen expert Marzia Boi, is compatible with the botanical species of  ‘Helicrysum’ This plant, used for thousands of years for cosmetic purposes in the Middle East; also was used in Jewish burials during the first century of the Christian era.

Small bunches or bouquets of flowers were placed alongside the body of the man of the shroud, leaving the imprints and pollen grains on both cloths. Professor Danin identified two pollen grains of the species Gundelia tournefortii as native to the Gaza Strip Israel. They are seen near the image of the man’s shoulder on the shroud and also found on  the Sudarium,  The pollen is adhered to the blood; this means that the pollen arrived on the shroud at the same time as the blood, not at some later point.  This fact is significant because it makes it possible to disprove the claims that the Sodarium of Oviedo is a Medieval fake since pollen grains are only visible through a microscope and were unknown in medieval times.

Juan Manuel Miñarro authored a study sponsored by the Spanish Center of Sindonology, (shroud investigation) and recently concluded: We have come to a point where it seems absurd to suggest that ‘by happenstance’ all of the wounds, lesions and swelling coincides on both cloths,” Jorge-Manuel Rodríguez, centre’s president stated: “Logic requires that we conclude that we are speaking of the same person.”


Beyond reasonable Doubt – Correcting the Carbon Dating of the Turin Shroud

Science and Divinity -The Shroud of Turin

The Turin Shroud- Evidence for Crucifixion

Sudarium of Oviedo Validates the Shroud of Turin

See also: Jesus Chronicles – The Lost Teachings by Carol Lamb

SCIENCE and DIVINITY – Evidence for The Shroud of Turin


The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the piece of cloth which wrapped the body of Jesus in the tomb, debate has continued for centuries as to its authenticity.  Science continues to build a composite picture of the man in the shroud and has determined beyond doubt that this cloth, uniquely woven wrapped the body of a male of Jewish ethnicity, blood group AB, who died as a result of severe trauma. Minerals found in the area around the walls of Jerusalem are also found on the shroud. The subject was buried in accordance with 1st century Jewish funerary rites with coins of the era covering his eyes, the body prepared using aromatic oils and floral tributes associated uniquely with the area of Jerusalem. 

The shroud is said to have been brought to Europe in the medieval period by the Knights Templar. The firstimages of the face on the shroud were taken when an amateur photographer developed the photographs he had taken in the cathedral; the negative image clearly showed an image of a face. No trace of forgery or scientific explanation has been found.  In 1988 the Catholic church gave permission for radio carbon dating, the findings, later shown to be flawed stated that the cloth was a medieval forgery, testing the faith of many believers.  A new examination, the results  of 15 years of research, dates the shroud to between 300 BC and 400 AD, which would put it in the era of Christ.

ATOMIC RESOLUTION ELECTRON SPECTOCROSY:  Giulio Fanti, a professor of mechanical and thermal measurement at Padua University, and Saverio Gaeta a journalist carried out three new tests, two chemical and one mechanical, the first two used infra-red light and the other using Raman spectroscopy – which measures radiation through wavelengths and is commonly used in forensic science. Fibres from the shroud were compared to samples of cloth dating back to between 3000BC and up to the modern era, dating a sample of the shroud to  between 300BC to 400AD, the period of Christs life.

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Metaphysics of the Shroud of Turin- Message in the Flowers

 Message in the Flowers: The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the piece of cloth which wrapped the body of Jesus in the tomb. Debate has continued for centuries as to its authenticity. It is known to have travelled widely through Europe and beyond and said to have been brought to Europe by the Templars. The first images of the face on the shroud were taken when an amateur photographer developed the photographs he had taken in the cathedral; the negative image clearly showed an image of a face. No trace of forgery or scientific explanation was found. In 1988 the Catholic church gave permission for radio carbon dating to take place and the faith of many was rocked when this was given as 1260 – 1390 AD. The dating however was later discredited  as the sample of cloth dated was contaminated through handling through the centuries. Continue reading

Metaphysics of the Arrest and Trial of Jesus Christ

The trial of Jesus is the most documented account ever made. Whatever our beliefs may be it remains an intriguing historical episode or the major event which shaped world history.

The enemies of Jesus were the Sanhedrin, a political religious hierarchy of the day which jealously guarded its power. Their concerns grew as they watched the increasing influence Jesus had over the crowds he attracted  wherever he went;  perceiving  him to be a threat to their own authority they conspired to kill him.  Caiphas the High Priest negotiated with Judas Iscariot,  well aware of his impending  betrayal  Jesus was arrested while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. His ordeal and the mockery of a trial began as he was taken before the Jewish Council and Caiphas the High Priest. Continue reading

Metaphysical understanding of the Cross

In esoteric wisdom the long arm of the cross symbolises
the descent of the soul into matter, the two cross bars symbolise East and West.
 True alchemy refers to the spiritualization of the lower nature of mankind, as practiced by the ancient esoteric priesthoods of Egypt, predating monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The ankh was the symbol of  sacred power invested in the Egyptian priesthoods and transferred through pharaohs, a cross with a looped top  signifying the eternal nature of the soul and its journey.

The devotional rituals which had sustained mankind for thousands of years were later seen as pagan by what would become the mainstream religions of the next Age. The cross in its many forms symbolizes the link between spirit and matter and has been adopted and adapted by sacred traditions through thousands of years. An understanding of the sacred geometry which underpins it helps to dispel  the erroneous belief that the symbol has been hijacked by Christianity. Rather it is a metamorphosis of adapting to changing belief systems from ancient Eygpt, pagan rituals, through Celtic and Roman Christianity to the present day. Continue reading

EPIPHANY – An Astrological Interpretation


‘We three kings of Orient are, bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain following yonder star

A favourite carol tells of the three wise men who came to worship the child Jesus in the stable, a story retold for two thousand years.  Epiphany means ‘great light’ or ‘illumination’ referring in this instance to Jesus as the Light of the World. There are many interpretations of who these visitors might have been. They are variously described as Kings of the East and Astrologers and are commonly referred to as the Magi.  The word Magi means ‘wise ones’ and relates to those who had a deep knowledge of the divine sciences including astronomy, astrology, numerology and the study of the celestial heavens and ancient star maps.  Today’s term ‘magic’ is derived from it and used to describe something supernatural or beyond the ordinary.  Many intriguing questions arise.  If the story is true and the Magi did indeed come to pay homage to Jesus how did they know of his birth?  We are told they were guided by a star arising in the East which ‘went before them’ and finally ‘came to rest’ over the place where Jesus lay. Today Christians celebrate The Adoration of the Magi and the Feast of Epiphany on January 6th in remembrance of this event. If the Magi had ‘traversed afar’ from their own kingdoms, reputedly of the Persian Empire, this would have been a lengthy and even hazardous journey with much preparation required.  How could they possibly arrive within days of the birth…unless they had advance warning? Continue reading

Metaphysics of the Christmas Story


For some Christmas means the tinsel and the tree, the shopping and the presents, the turkey and the treats; in short an opportunity for self indulgence and partying while others honour the sacred cycles. For millions t is  a time of deep significance, of reflection and spiritual renewal; the remembrance of a promise, angelic visitation and guidance, a merging of the celestial and the terrestrial. The rational mind rushes to dismiss what in the 21st century seems fanciful and deluded. The story however does not rest on superstitious belief but on the science of metaphysics and is worthy of investigation from that position.  If we take a few brief moments to consider the event we are commemorating, the birth of Jesus Christ, we are faced at once with the challenge of faith, for who now believes in miracles, angelic intercession, prophetic guidance or a pre-ordained, divinely inspired Incarnation? The answer of course is that the vast majority of the human race holds to these beliefs in one form or another. Figures for 2017 show Christianity has 2.1 billion followers while Islam (which shares a belief in Jesus and his divinely inspired origins) has 1.5 billion. These two groups alone represent  half of the 7 billion people alive today.  In addition there are 900 million Hindu’s and 394 million Chinese who practice their respective  religious traditions.  Buddhism has 376 million adherents while Sikhism and Judaism each have  23 million. These represent only the major world religions, there are numerous others with a further 376 million practising indigenous primal faiths. Only 16%  state no religious affiliation.

From this perspective we might conclude that most of us have a belief in something beyond the physical realm, suggesting that conscious communication exists between the physical and the non physical worlds. Religions simply regulate a specific belief system into an ordered pattern which we can choose to follow for as long as they serve our spiritual growth. All religions are born out of an awareness of divinely inspired events whether personal or impersonal. Initially these are recorded and crystallised as revealed wisdom, eventually to become fossilised as dogma at which point followers begin to seek elsewhere.


The question has been posed for 2,000 years, it is for each of us to find our own answer, for those who accept the life and teaching of Jesus he is the supreme pattern of spirituality. Spiritual teachers magnetise followers through the positive vibration of the electromagnetic field or aura, creating a resonance which is felt as a magnetic attraction. The greater the attainment the greater the acceleration of that field and the greater the momentum. An Avatar or world teacher carries a momentum of light within the auric field which has been accumulated through countless lives of service. The consciousness radiates light which is not only felt but seen, this is the origin of halo’s depicted by artists around the head of saints and mystics. .


According to ancient wisdom cosmic time is measured in Cycles or Ages. Avatars incarnate in every Age at significant points on the cosmic calendar, referred to as  ‘Transition Cusps’ their sole purpose is the advancement of humanity by reminding of our spiritual origins. At the culmination of a Cycle of Ages (known as The Grand Cycle)  we approach the threshold of a New Age and the supreme guide appears, to shepherd us through the doorway. The penultimate Cusp of the Piscean Age heralded the birth of Jesus Christ. (Christ meaning ‘anointed of God’).

The wheel symbol,  carved into marble  in the early Christian community of Ephesus,  this represents the Cycles and Ages, the foundation of the teaching given by Jesus and subsequently lost.

The word “ixoye” is an acronym comprised of the first letter of five Greek words: Iesous Xristos Theou Yios Sotare which means Jesus, Christ, Son of, God, Savior.The word is also the Greek word for “fish,” icthus, ἰχθύς which when spelled in capital letters in Greek is ΙΧΘΥΣ. The first followers of Jesus were persecuted and used the sign of the fish as a secret symbol to recognise each other. It is no coincidence that  the astrological symbol of Pisces the fish was the sign of  the early Christians and later of Christianity. Today we stand at the threshold of the Aquarian Age, unready to birth the new, the reason for the global chaos and upheaval.

Each of us is free to view Jesus in accordance with our own beliefs or prejudices. For some he is simply a great spiritual teacher, for others he is the pre-ordained Avatar guiding humanity through the closing of an Age. Christianity accords him the unique role of Saviour and Son of God. Whatever our belief his spiritual attainment is acknowledged and it is his message which is important.

As we celebrate his birth at Christmas it is an opportune moment for reflection and to question. Is the story true? Did the Angel Gabriel announce his birth to Mary?  Was Jesus born in Bethlehem and if so why? What of the star and the three kings who are said to have brought their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 

Excerpt from: Jesus Chronicles Author: Carol Lamb

The name Jesus is the English translation from the Greek Yesous translated from the Hebrew Aramaic the native tongue of Joseph and Mary. Yeshua is the abbreviated version of Joshua a name which predates the Christian era by several centuries and means deliverer or saviour. Among the many titles accorded to Jesus is ‘Emman-u-el’. The Jewish scripture foretold of a conception through divine agency. ‘Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and his name shall be called  Emman-u-el’ which means ‘God is with us’.

Prophecies of past centuries had stated that the Messiah or Saviour was to be born in Bethlehem, a small town in Judaea. Since Mary lived in Nazareth some miles away her child could have been expected to have been born there. However, in the time preceding the birth, the emperor decreed a census in order to register those eligible for taxation: ‘In the days of Caesar Augustus a decree went out that all the world should be taxed’. In a very real sense all the world was Roman and despite Mary’s advanced state of pregnancy there was no choice but to obey the decree that the head of each household was to report to his home town to be registered.

Today if we require a copy of a birth or marriage certificate we are still required to apply to the Registrar in the town of our birth. Of course we have the luxury of filling in a form and applying by post. We can only sympathise with the plight of Mary on such a journey as she travelled by donkey to reach Joseph’s home town of Bethlehem. Once more the prophecy was fulfilled and the birth occurs where scripture had stated that it would. ‘And thou Bethlehem in the land of Judaea art not least among the princes of Judah, out of thee shall come a Governor that shall rule my people Israel.’ The name Bethlehem means ‘place of bread’.

The story of the nativity is known to us all, Mary and Joseph are forced to rest in a place described as a stable, the only place available because the town is teeming with visitors. The birth is marked by an angel who appears before shepherds in the fields to proclaim: ‘Be not afraid, for behold I bring you tidings of great joy which will come to all the people, for to you is born this day in the city of David a saviour who is Christ the Lord, and this will be a sign for you. You will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger’, and the angel was joined by a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men, with whom he is pleased.’

At Christmas we sing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the words of the carol ‘Once in Royal David’s City’ a reminder that Bethlehem was also known as ‘the city of David’ a reference to the birth of another king in another time. King David born in the little town of Bethlehem a thousand years before Jesus, united the Jewish tribal peoples to become the nation of Israel and laid the foundations for the temple in Jerusalem in which Jesus himself would one day teach.