PAEDOPHILIA – The Abuse of Power

The innocence of childhood is stolen and a legacy of misplaced shame, guilt and fear of exposure adds to  the pain and humiliation of the abuse. Fear and anger are replaced by hopelessness and despair in the daily  battle to overcome the effects of post traumatic stress, usually undiagnosed because secrecy must still be maintained even long  after the abuse has ended. Alcohol or drug abuse is frequently used to self medicate in an effort to block out the torturous memories, increasing the risk of addiction. Anorexia and bullimia can be a result of poignant attempts to exert a degree of control over every day life and suicide is an acknowledged risk factor for those who have reached the end of their mental and emotional resources. Many who have been subjected to abuse in childhood become enmeshed within the paedophile networks, victims of porn industry, trafficked and even killed.

The unrelenting scandals now beginning to unfold are implicating those in the highest positions of power, the very people  charged with the protection of the innocent.  For healing to occur there must first be acknowledgement of the wrong done, with justice  seen to be done. The cloak of secrecy which repeatedly shrouds  attempts to investigate those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo must fall, only then will we see the full extent of the unimaginable abuse of power which underpins the global paedophile networks. These originate within the local community through like minded individuals who gravitate together using safe houses,  procuring  victims through the care system, children’s charities and local groups. They go undetected, protected  by those within those very systems, the police service, criminal justice system and political networks which have already been infiltrated by the paedophile hierarchy. The recent court cases resulting in the imprisonment of  several high profile,  respected celebrities some of whom have been honoured at the highest level, demonstrates the arrogance of power which feels itself to be beyond the law.

For global paedophile rings to operate successfully, a lower hierarchy must exist on which they feed. It is this level which must be deactivated and the responsibility rests with each one of us to remain vigilant and to act upon any concern we may have. Most importantly the voice of those who have suffered abuse must always be heard. Zero tolerance is the starting point with  public exposure through court procedure and severe penalties for those found guilty. None of this will break patterns of  sexual abuse which result from the desire to control others.  At the lowest level individual perpetrators exert power and control over their victims first by their unspeakable acts and secondly through enforced silence. Paedophiles  who sit in the higher eschelons of power, seemingly untouchable, are in fact the most vulnerable to exposure since their addiction  to power and influence is the means by which they can fall so spectacularly and so publicly. We must applaud the courage of those who come forward to force us to confront the reality of the depth of sexual corruption which is endemic.

Paedophilia feeds on self gratification and perversion, fed by the ‘liberal’ values and pseudo sophistication of the same individuals  who demanded the ‘freedom’ to view  pornography in film and ‘literature’ and now observe the porn industry’s links to sex trafficking and ‘snuff movie’ production. Similarly the insidious introduction of explicit, controversial sex education for children has undermined parental responsibility in decision making on such matters of contraception and abortion. The inevitable lowering of moral standards among the young has increased vulnerabilty and led to an epidemic of health issues. The pendulum has perhaps swung to the enth degree, resulting in a society which condones permissiveness, in which case we are about to witness a return to the core values of self respect and care for each other, hopefully chosen rather than imposed.

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WOUNDS OF THE SOUL – The Body Remembers