For some, synergistic events are coincidental. Albert Einstein said “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”  In 2013 within hours of the resignation of Pope Benedict XV1, lightning struck the Vatican. The resignation is thought to be in response to the sexual abuse scandals about to engulf the church on the heels of  the recent financial scandals involving the Vatican Bank.

On May 13th 1981 St Peters Square Rome was filled to capacity as the faithful gathered to celebrate the 64th anniversary of the appearance of Mary, the mother of Jesus to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917,  which predicted the fall of the church due to the corruption of its priesthood. At the exact time the messages from Mary were being read out in Fatima Pope John Paul entered Vatican Square and was hit by 4 bullets in an attempted assassination.

So what were the Fatima messages and what was with held?

According to Catholic tradition, Mary correctly predicted the end of WW1 followed by a false peace and a second global war. The 3rd Secret of Fatima which attracted the most attention concerned the fall of the church through the corruption of the priesthood. (Fatima-Miracles and Messages for Today) Mary directed that this message should be withheld until 1960, ‘when  it will be better understood’. Mary also warned of the rise of Communism stating that unless consecrated, Russia would ‘spread her errors throughout the world‘. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the Communist Party was banned in Russia and the country returned to its traditional Christian roots. Meanwhile Communism had spread from Russia to China resulting in an atheistic Chinese State with the continuing persecution of Chinese Christians seen today. Mary it seems was right.

Following the death of Pope Pius Vll  in 1958, catholic bishops met in Rome on October 26th, to elect a new pope. Pope Pius had promoted Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, who ardently opposed Communism, as his successor. According to FBI sources Siri obtained the neccesary votes at the Conclave and was elected Pope Gregory XVll. White smoke rose from the Vatican to announce that a decision had been made.The news was announced at 6pm on Vatican Radio, Swiss Guards were summoned from their barracks to report to St Peter’s Square to await the new pope but he failed to appear, causing great consternation.

Malachi Martin, a former Jesuit priest and Vatican insider, confirmed that the vote had initially been for Cardinal Siri of Genoa but that moments after his acceptance a note was passed to him stating various threats would be carried out if he assumed the office. Siri asked the bishops to vote again. FBI documents confirm that on the fourth ballot Sri again obtained the required number of votes and was elected pope but French cardinals known to have Masonic  and Communist connections, annulled the results claiming that the election would cause the assassination of several prominent bishops behind the Iron Curtain. Three days later, white smoke signalled that Cardinal Roncalli (the future Pope John XXlll) had been elected. When Cardinal  Siri was later asked if he had been elected…he answered  I am bound by the secret. This secret is horrible, I would have books to write about the different conclaves, very serious things have taken place but I can say nothing.”  His silence was hardly surprising since all cardinals are bound to secrecy over anything which takes place during the conclave. The penalty for breaking this is excommunication from the church.

On 25 January, 1959, less than three months after his election, Pope John XXIII gave notice of his intention to convene Vatican ll, a global Council of cardinals, Archbishops and bishops. Initial preparations of 10 conclaves began May 2nd,1959 and ended May 6th, 1960. (the year Mary had instructed the 3rd secret to be revealed, stating: ‘all will then become clear’). The goal of this rare and unexpected event was announced as an attempt at long overdue church reform. The Council, however, created a radical liberal shift, making traditional Catholicism barely recognisable for many, resulting in a mass exodus of priests and laity, initiating the split between modernists and traditionalists which continues to deepen today.

Three successive popes refused to release the 3rd Secret of Fatima due to its content. After 1960, Sister Lucy  who had received the message as a child, condemned the modernisation and  liberalisation of the church and gave an interview without authorisation from the Vatican in which she discussed the 3rd Secret. Following this, no more of her writings were published, she was effectively gagged and rarely seen. Her confessor Father Aperica commented on his return from Brazil ‘I have not been able to speak with Sister Lucy…the conditions in which she finds herself have been imposed by the Holy See, consequently no-one may speak with her without a licence from Rome’. Sister Lucy’s spiritual director, confessor and doctor were all changed in 1959 and family visits were severely curtailed from then on with no personal contact.This has raised speculation, recently confirmed regarding her supposed later pronouncements supporting the Vatican line.


So who was Pope John XXlll ? At a time when Communism and the Masonic Institutes were considered the dual enemy of Catholicism and association with Masonry incurred automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church, Angelo Roncalli made his allegiance clear. At the end of World War II  he had been sent to Paris as Papal Nuncio, where he became close friends with French socialist President Vincent Auriol, Maurice Thorez, the leader of the French Communists and Edouard Herriot, leader of the Radical Party. When made cardinal in 1953, he insisted on receiving his cardinals hat not from the pope but from Vincent Auriol. Thorez advised the Kremlin that Roncalli was an ideal prelate ‘who  understood Marxism like a Marxist’... and if the Communist Party had not been sponsoring a programme of militant atheism, ‘he might have been the best Christian comrade in the Roman Catholic Church’. Roncalli served as apostolic delegate  in Istanbul from 1935 to 1944, where he was affiliated to the Masonic Lodge. The Masonic Grand Master, Italy, confirmed that while a cleric Roncalli was  also initiated into a Masonic Lodge in Paris. He is pictured leaving a meeting of The Grand Orient Masonic Lodge in civilian clothes.

  • In 1948  when Pius XII was threatening any prelate who supported Communism, Roncalli, now serving as the Vatican’s first permanent observer at the United Nations, established close ties with Palmi Togliatti and other members of the Italian Communist Party.
  • In 1954 the editor of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano had warned Pius XII of Roncalli’s Communist sympathies and that the FBI and CIA agencies were compiling thick files on him.
  • In 1958 during the Cold War period, the U.S. government was very interested in the  papal election as they wanted another staunch anti-Communist like Pope Pius XII.
  • in 1976 the Italian journal Burghese published a list of over one hundred bishops and cardinals who it claimed were Freemasons. The list said to have been taken from the Italian Masonic Register included the initiation dates and code names assigned to each of the clerics involved.
  • In 2002, Portugal Daily News provided documentary evidence that Cardinal Angelo Roncalli was a practicing Freemason.

If Marianne messages offer humanity an opportunity to correct its self destructive course, it is surely advisable that we take note when her words are fulfilled. The warning concerning the advance of Communism and Free Masonry went unheeded.  The reforms of Vatican ll  reconfigured the church. Since affiliation to Free Masonry once brought automatic excommunication from the church, the election of  Pope John XXlll would have been invalid and the Vatican Council would not have taken place. The true 3rd Secret of Fatima was never revealed, a Vatican version released in 2000 was dismissed by believers as a partial construction of the true message. Pope Benedict himself  later confirmed ‘Truly that was not all of it’. 

In 1917 the future corruption of much of the priesthood, pedophile priests sexually abusing children, the financial scandals of the Vatican Bank and the collusion of popes, cardinals, bishops and priests in a global cover up could not have been imagined. Today the faithful are left confused and mistrustful of a hierarchy which places itself above even its own divine messengers, in a church divided between those who refuse any reform and those who wish to demolish the foundations on which it sits. The outcome appears predictable.

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